Teddy Zane Zane7 88 Reviews 5

I'm writing about a custom guitar I had pimped out by ted zane, its a stock 88 zane model that was upraded with an original floyd rose , paf pro hum and its also got a hot rails duncan neck pickup. I was impressed when I picked the guitar up for the first time, I realy dig this paint too. I play every thing and have been in the scene for over 10 years. I have a gibson sg its a classic that is showing its age. I'm all about new gear, I have an dfx50 marshall with out cab celestions 25 watts x 4. The zane guitar works well with my rig. If anyone has the zane7 reptile do a review, I'm thinking about buying it next time around.

I only paid 550 for it. Its like a 1000 buk guitar.

It rocks

It rocks

It rocks

It rocks

craig farly rated this unit 5 on 2009-09-01.

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